Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Known for it's electronics! We saw a lot of cool stuff here, new phones, new cameras, new computers, new everything! If it needs power or batteries, you can find it here! Yobadashi Akiba was huge, something like 9 floors of nothing but gadgets! I also got some real boba, it was good.

A lot of people checking out the PS3 booth....

Not so many at the Wii booth...


This one was smaller, not sure why we didn't get a picture infront of the huge one...

Look at the monitor...

Boku wa maneki-neko ga daisuki desu!

This thing was kinda like the Nintendo Wii, except it seemed to be just for working out.

I really should have bought one of these....

And one of these


Sweet ass spot to go fishing!

I want one of these mopeds...

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About Me

I am 25 and live in Santa Barbara, I love BMW's, Japan, Photography and Film. This is here to show you whats going on with my photography and to just write about things I like, don't like, things that are going on, etc etc etc. Contact me at: AIM - GOREGASMA2 Email - Website: